School Choice Team
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Do you have a question about School Choice?
Click request a response to send your questions. We look forward to hearing from you!

How To Apply

Complete your Osceola School District School Choice application.

APPLY for the 2025-2026 School Year
Late Choice Application Period: Now Open
OCSA Magnet Application Period - 6th Graders only: February 24 through March 4

The late Choice application period for the 2024-2025 school year is now open. If you are interested in applying for the current school year, please contact us at Choice Application Email or call 407-870-4847.

  • All Choice applications received after February 1, 2021 are considered late.
  • Late applications do not participate for the Spring lottery and considered only after all applicants in the wait pool have been assigned to the requested Choice school.
  • Parents who are interested in submitting a late Choice application may do so by clicking on the link below.

The Choice and Magnet Application Period for the 2025-2026 School Year is NOW open!


The School Choice Application Period for the 2025 -2026 school year is open now through January 2025. The completed Choice applications run in the Spring lottery in mid-February. 2025. If more applications are received than the number of available seats the applicants will be placed on a waitlist according to the following list of priorities.

  1. Dependent children of active-duty military personnel whose move resulted from military orders (documentation is required).
  2. Children who have been relocated due to foster care placement in a different school zone.
  3. Children who move due to a court order.
  4. Siblings. Siblings are defined as brother, sister, half-brother, half-sister, stepbrother, or stepsister living in the same household.
  5. Children whose parent works for The School District of Osceola County.
  6. Students who reside in the district.
  7. Applicants from out of the district.

If you decide for your child to remain at the zone or current school after receiving an accepting a Choice seat offer, log in to your PARENT PORTAL and click Cancel or notify our office at

In-District Students

  • The students currently enrolled in an Osceola County School should apply through the Parent Portal.

New Applicants

  • This is a two-step process.
  • First, create a new ONLINE ACCOUNT by clicking the link below. Please have the following information ready: student's birthdate, student's birth certificate, student's ID number, and student's last 4 digits of his/her social security number (if applicable).
  • After creating the online account, click the link below to submit the CHOICE APPLICATION.

Charter School Students

Students attending any of the following charter schools might have a Focus Parent Portal Account:

  • AcadeMir Prep of Champions Gate
  • BridgePrep Osceola
  • BridgePrep St. Cloud
  • Mater St. Cloud
  • Mater Brighton Lakes
  • Mater Brighton Lakes Academy Prep HS
  • Mater Palms
  • New Dimensions HS
  • P M Wells Charter Academy
  • SLAM
  • Victory Charter
  • Victory Charter K-5

If you have a Focus Online Account, please click Apply Online - School Choice Application

  • All other charter school students, please create a New Student Enrollment Account by clicking the link below. Please have the following information ready: student's birthdate, student's birth certificate, student's ID number, and student's last 4 digits of his/her social security number (if applicable).
  • After creating the new enrollment, click "I am done adding students. Take me to the portal" click the student's name, click School Choice Application or OCSA Magnet Application TO APPLY.

Home Education and Former Students

  • You may already have an ID number with the school district. Please, contact our office at 407-870-4847 to submit your Choice application via phone.
  • If your student has never been enrolled in Osceola County School District, please follow the instructions for New Applicants.

Things to remember:

Every student applying must complete an application.

Maximum of two choices icon

A maximum of two Choice schools or program preferences per application may be selected.

Rank choices icon

Applicants rank choices as first and second preference.

Second Choices Icon

Second choices are considered if the district is unable to grant the first choice.

Available seats icon

Available seats vary per school.

Notification Icon
Application status will be posted in the Parent Portal.
Email icon

If downloading application, please return completed application to:

For all applicants: If you decide for your child to remain at the current school, please notify our office via
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