Find your Osceola School District Architectural and Construction School.
This pathway offers a sequence of courses that provide rigorous content aligned with challenging academic standards and relevant technical knowledge and skills needed to prepare for further education and careers in the fields of architecture and construction.
At Poinciana High School, the strength is in the diversity. The dedicated staff takes pride in the genuine belief that every student can learn and achieve from the starting point through graduation. ​Together, the school administration, staff, and faculty commits to best instructional practices that result in responsible, productive students.
High School
Professional and Technical High School is a comprehensive accelerated high school that provides students with the opportunity to engage in rigorous academic coursework that is aligned with a career pathway. We offer a 4 x 4 schedule, allowing students to earn more credits by completing an entire year-long course within a semester time frame.
High School
St. Cloud High School is a positive, nurturing, and safe environment where everyone participates in building pathways to success through rigor, hard work, responsibility, and accountability. St Cloud offers many extracurricular activities for students, including athletics, fine arts, and community service.
High School